Debbie Lyn Toomey
RN, Health & Happiness Specialist
Professional Credentials
- Graduate of UMass Boston School of Nursing, Bachelor of Science Degree
- Registered Professional Nurse of over 25 years at Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA
- National Speakers Association Member
- Certified in Positive Psychology through Wholebeing Institute, trained by author and co-founder of Wholebeing Institute, Chief Learning Officer Tal Ben-Shahar, PhD.
- Positive Psychology Coach trained and certified by Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener, founder of Positive Acorn
- Laughter Yoga™ Leader trained and certified by Bill and Linda Hamaker
- Healthy-Steps™ Teacher trained and certified by Sherry Lebed Davis (co-founder)
- Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster™ trained and certified by author and creator Peggy Huddleston
- Wellness Coach training trained and certified by Appalachian Consulting Group
- Peer Support Whole Health & Resiliency trained and certified by Appalachian Consulting Group
- Acupressure Shiatsu, Diplomat of Asian Bodywork Therapy trained by Barbara Blanchard of Acupressure Therapy Institute.
- Homeopathy graduate of Teleosis School of Homeopathy
- Six Sensory™ Teacher and Leader trained and certified by author, speaker, and intuitive Sonia Choquette
- Advanced Angel Practitioner trained and certified by Karen Paolino-Correia
- Akaschic Records Practitioner trained and certified by Christina Cross
- Usui Reike Master trained by Usui Reike Masters in the lineage of Dr. Mikao Usui
- Master Energy Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique, Clearing You Birth Energy, Chakra Balancing) trained by Master Energy Therapist and author Carol Tuttle
Up Close and Personal
- Winner of UMass Boston Chancellor’s Scholarship for Excellence award for full college tuition
- Recipient of the Oliver Smith Award for providing exceptional patient care at New England Medical Center
- Mary A. Hall’s Abundant Alive Support Circle Team Member
- Nominated for the Edward and Sylvia Jaye Excellence in Nursing Clinical Practice Award at Tufts Medical Center
- Co-founder of herH.O.P.E., a group created by professional Filipina women to serve Filipinos and others
- Executive Producer of Learning Exchange Video Cast for Wholebeing Institute
- A Random Act of Kindness activist (RAKtivist) that is committed to practicing random act of kindness in the world in small yet powerful ways to help spread hope and happiness
- Published articles for the Healthy Living Magazine and South Shore Senior News
- Interviewed by Dr. Mark Mincolla on The Natural Health Show WATD 95.9 FM Radio, Patriot Ledger Newspaper, South Shore Senior News, and Cambridge Community Television, The Believe Show
- Speaker and participated in Healthy Living Expo sponsored by Healthy Living Magazine
- Community & Church Volunteer (American Red Cross, PTA, CCD Teacher, creator of Health & Healing Ministry at Sacred Heart Church, and member of Asian Women for Health)
- Blessed to be married to her love and best friend of over 25 years and mother of their three spectacular and gifted boys who are on their way to becoming “a man for others”
- Grateful that her parents are young at heart and still living a good life
- Product of the 80s, she refuses to admit to her boys that the 80s music is considered the “classics”.
- Foodie! Loves great cooking and tries to imitate the recipe whenever she can. Can’t get enough of delish diner food!
- Student of life and can’t get enough of learning new and natural ways to heal and feel better.
- “Hmmm…what will it be next…”
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